Monday, November 13, 2017

Built  two water tanks with about 160 total gallon capacity. Used plywood with baffles. Then clothed the corners and coated inside and out with epoxy. 

Tank shape to fit with the boat design.

Will set on top of keel an conform to the bottom of the hull.

Water tested
Painted the exterior

Inspection Ports

Tanks set

Tanks set below galley floor. Two water tanks I built and a forward plastic tank for grey water. This view if from forward looking back towards the center of the boat.

1 comment:

  1. great to see an update! Im considering homemade glass/epoxy water tanks. I know nothing about it so I'm not questioning you, but is there any concern about water quality safety with epoxy tanks? Do you have any links or literature that confirm it's safety? I would think it would be fine since once fully cured it becomes inert.
